Once Upon A One More Time Tickets
Marquis Theatre - NY | New York, New York

Have you craved exceptional and unbelievable entertainment this fall? Then get ready to set the date of Thursday 19th October 2023 because you could join music lovers in seeing Once Upon A One More Time live at Marquis Theatre in New York, New York. Once Upon A One More Time is ready to take on the world with this cool and confident tale of women empowerment. Come and see this story of classic fairy tale women learning that they don’t need a Prince Charming to find their happily ever after. Guests will rejoice at seeing the unbelievable costume and set design by leading designers Loren Elstein and Anna Fleischle. You might fall in love with the star-studded performances by some of Broadway’s biggest names, including Brigan Heelan as Cinderella or Aisha Jackson as Snow White. All this and more scored with music by mythic singer Britney Spears. It’s everything you need for what may be the biggest theatrical event of the year. So don’t miss out! Tickets are ready to order now, but they won’t last long! So be sure you Tap the buy tickets link below, so you can order your tickets to experience Once Upon A One More Time live at Marquis Theatre in New York, New York this coming Thursday 19th October 2023!
Even if your local cinema has the most innovative sound technology, there’s no technology on earth that can replicate the sound and atmosphere of a live show. If a movie director wants a song included in their movie, they dub it in while editing. During a live musical, every note is produced organically in the room. If Hamilton doesn’t believe that he’s ‘not throwin’ away his shot’, then neither do the audience. If a singer wavers onstage, there’s no yelling ‘cut!’ and no second-takes – we’re asking a lot more from someone singing live on stage than we are of someone singing from inside a recording booth. So come and experience some true talent at the Marquis Theatre in New York for one of their upcoming performances.