Once Upon A One More Time Tickets
Marquis Theatre - NY | New York, New York

This fall you could come to watch the hottest pro-feminist Broadway musical of the season. Because on Thursday 5th October 2023 hundreds of theater lovers will get to enjoy Once Upon A One More Time live at Marquis Theatre in New York, New York. This theatrical experience features music by the popular Britney Spears as famous actors tell a new version of classic fairy tale heroines. Watch Brigan Heelan as Cinderella and Aisha Jackson as Snow White discover valuable lessons about female empowerment and how you don’t need prince charming for a happily ever after. Then be dazzled by the vibrant and vivid set and costume design by Loren Elstein and Anna Fleischle. It’s the total package of rock-solid entertainment that will make October the best time of the year. But if you want to see the show then you have to act fast. Because tickets may be ready to order today, but they won’t last long. Skip the lines before it’s too late and Click the buy tickets button below, so you can order your tickets to see Once Upon A One More Time live at Marquis Theatre in New York, New York this coming Thursday 5th October 2023!
Whats in store for fall, 2023 we hear you say? One that will catch your eye is the best musical of this year, thats right, Once Upon A One More Time will be coming to town for part of the 2023 tour! Its THAT exciting, it seems EVERYBODY is talking about it! We can all agree this simply the most magnificent musical to see this year! Suitable for the littles, bring the whole fam! Once Upon A One More Time will be showing at Marquis Theatre, New York, New York. A great place to be with a range of amenities and visitors love the location, clearly the obvious choice! Thursday 5th October 2023 is going to be an important date on the calendar! To secure your spot, book your tickets via the 'get tickets' link, it'll be the most thrilling expirence of the year!